Episode 14
Backcountry Skiing in the Wasatch
July 22nd, 2020
1 hr 3 mins 3 secs
About this Episode
In a flashback to winter and the beginning of the pandemic, Jeff Nichols sits down with members of Westminster College's backcountry skiing community to talk about what getting out into the mountains means to them. Back in April, Jeff spoke over Zoom with Westminster Professors Russ Costa, David Baddley, and Will Deutchman, and alum Sally Miller about skiing, the mountains, risk, and how the mountains were helping them get through the lockdown.
Jeff Nichols and Brent Olson co-direct the Institute for Mountain Research. Our theme song is “Home” by Pixie and the Partygrass Boys.. As Naomi likes to say, “They are awesome and you should check them out.”